

Alcohol Justice envisions communities free of the alcohol industry’s negative influence and an alcohol industry that does not harm the public’s health. Alcohol Justice fights to protect the public from the impact of the alcohol industry’s negative practices. They monitor and expose the alcohol industry’s harmful actions related to products, promotions and social influence, and support communities in their efforts to reject these damaging activities.

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The core aim of the Institute of Alcohol Studies is to serve the public interest on public policy issues linked to alcohol, by advocating for the use of scientific evidence in policy-making to reduce alcohol-related harm. The Institute does not have a view on whether individuals should drink or not drink.
Their main work is based around helping to bridge the gap between the scientific evidence on alcohol and the wider public. They want to make all of this evidence accessible to anyone with an interest in alcohol – politicians, reporters, health professionals, students, youth workers and others – and to advocate for effective responses that will reduce the toll of alcohol in society.

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Eurocare (The European Alcohol Policy Alliance) is a network of some 50 voluntary and non governmental organizations (including STAP) working on the prevention and reduction of alcohol related harm across 20 countries in Europe. Eurocare is the only major European network that focuses on alcohol policy issues.
Eurocare is a member of the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance (GAPA), the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and participates in both the European Commission’s Health Policy Forum and the European Alcohol and Health Forum. Eurocare has a Secretariat in Brussels, which acts as the central contact point for member organizations as well as other bodies concerned with alcohol related issues, including national and international press.

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The World Health Organization European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases leads WHO work on strengthening national capacity in all 53 countries in the WHO European Region to prevent and control NCDs, promote an intersectoral approach and develop policies to tackle NCDs.



The Polish State Agency for the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems (PARPA) was established in 1993. It is a specialized government agency subordinated to the Minister of Health. It develops and presents expert opinions on draft laws and action plans in the field of alcohol policy.

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The Global Alcohol Policy Alliance is a network of non-governmental organisations and people working in public health agencies who share information on alcohol issues and advocate evidence-based alcohol policies, free from commercial interests. Resource centres affiliated to GAPA operate in Africa, European Union, South America, South East Asia, USA and Western Pacific regions.



Movendi, formerly IOGT, is a global social movement that strives for freedom for every person to live up to their fullest potential, free from harm caused by alcohol and other drugs. It’s a world of peace, democracy and justice where free and healthy citizens actively contribute in all levels of society.

Dutch Institute for Alcohol Policy STAP
P.O. Box 9769
3506 GT Utrecht
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)30-6565041
F: +31 (0)30-6565043